Vehicle Monitoring and Tracking Solutions

Business process today requires real-time information about their movable assets and vehicles for the integration of their field services operations with the enterprise operations.

ETTS offers state of the art solutions which integrates moving object control tools, effective remote object data transfer, powerful logistic tool and low maintenance enabling organizations to carry out their business in an effective and cost efficient manner by locating and reporting geographical information in real time.

Vehicle Monitoring and Tracking System
ETTS has been at the forefront of mobile technology developments for over a decade providing flexible mobile information solutions, including state of the art automatic vehicle and personal location systems.

ETTS GPS Tracking Management System enabled vehicle tracking and telematics unit allows organizations to centrally manage and optimize their geographically dispersed field resources.

ETTS AVL Software provide fleet location management applications which helps improve emergency response and assist operations department with comprehensive historical reporting tools to identify cost savings and increase efficiency.

Get in touch with Us

Red Crescent Building, Umm Ramool, Dubai, United Arab Emirates, Po Box 5757